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Sunday, December 6, 2009


hmmm...time rapidly passes by...rapid? not at all..tp..tup tup dah nk bkak sem...my last sem for degree... bile pikir balik ape yg berlaku sem lepas...sy hepi sebab walopun sy telah melakukan sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya..tapi sy lega...actually ni citer psal kwn..

i know that i've broken someone feelings..n my friendship..but..itu adalah setelah sy mendengar nasihat dari yang pakar..My Mom n therapist @ my dad..hehehe..sepanjang sy hidup 21 tahun ni..my mon always agrees wif me..tak ksahla pasal kawan ke..bf ke..study ke..but...lately..die mcm not satisfied with my attitude..bukan lately...last year kot.."kakak jd mcm ni sebab kawan dengan die la..asik men je..ma x suke"..

ni pasal kawan la ni...adoi...wat happens? ade kawan sy yg "tselisih" pendpat dgn mak sy kew??? hurm..my mom x penah halang saya nk kawan dengan sape2 pon..she loves all ma friends..especially ma skewlmates dulu.."Datin, tharwati, ieyda..hana che..n etc la.." huhu...mis u all gurlz...mayb sebab dorg baek kot...berbudi bahasa...
parents always look on manners first..alkisahnye...mungkin my mom nmpak sumthing...about manners la kot..si die ni..my mom x approve die mjadi kawan sy..agak kasar bhasa yang mama gune..but..i'm not going to shout it rite here..hush hush...kite...org muda..x nampak ape yg org tua nampak..mereka makan garam tlebih dulu dr kita...so mereka tau ape yg terbaik untuk diri kita..jd...sy hanya mendengar omelan tersebut dengan perasaan yang tidak senang..

ape yang my mom buat 2 btol..a mother always wants the best for her children..banyak yang sy dengar pasal die..tp..still diamkan dulu..sampai ade lecturer x suke die..itu sudah agak parah...sy x pernah buat hal sehinggakan lecturer rs nyampah n agak sakit hati..."apabila seorang guru tidak menyukai penuntutnya, ilmu yang diberi bukanlah secara Ikhlas maka secara tidak langsung tiada KEBERKATAN ke atas ilmu tersebut.."..statement yang dipinjam dr BUKU ulama..tp ulama mane x tau la..
jd..sy xnk terlibat lebih jauh da..sy tau ramai yang x suka sy..ngumpat blakang..tp...itulah adat dunia...sy tidak sempurna..sy bukanlah budak yang baik sangt..tp..Tuhan sentiasa membuka pintu Taubat-Nya..sy ingin mengubah diri sy..mengubah nsb sy..saya ingin menjadi insan yang baik..

untuk itu..sy perlu bersahabat dengan teman yang baik..bukan sahaja teman yang dapat bergembira ketika bercerita tentang hal dunia..malah tidak mengabaikan hal akhirat...
ramai orang cakap saya sombong..mungkin sy jarang senyum..kurang peramah n ade org yg kutuk sy gedikz..sy x kisah sume tu...parents sy memdidik sy dengan tegas agar...xde org yg akan ambil kesempatan atas diri sy..

my mom agak marah..sebab hal kewangan la..sy suke belanjer kawan2..n die..dan yg paling byk sy belanje adalah die...adoi...sy xtau spy mane yang ngintip time kami kuar..mkn2..jln2...tp..my mom tau..she thinks that die amek kesempatan dengan keadaan sy..yela..sy suke bunjer kwn..alhamdulillah...sem 5 berakhir dengan kewangan yg menyenangkan..my mom pon hepi..she always taught to berjimat...save ur budget kakak..i rarely kuar jalan2..shopping since xrapat dah ngan die..i can concentrate on my study as well..sy rs dah lepas beban kat bahu..kira ok la 2...cuma..seorang kawan, teman dan shabat yang baik memg sukar untuk dicari..sy x ksah dia nk banned sy...cari geng baru..n wat so ever..cuma saya harap die x benci saya...

""if u have a friend that u hate as well as she hates u..what options would u choose if u are given:
a)i would rather not to b friends
b)let time passes by and she would be a memorable friend
c)leave her be n let her know how much u hate her""

and..as for the answer..i would choose b..time will heal everything..benci seorang sahabat umpama membenci diri sendiri..pada masa2 tertentu die adalah kawan yang baik namun..untuk menjadi teman baik..sy memrlukan tahap kesbaran yang tinggi..

sahabat merupakan cermin bagi diri sendiri..sekiranya kamu bersahabat dengan penjual minyak wangi, maka bau wangi tersebut akan lekat pada diri kamu namun sekiranya kamu bershabat dengan penjual ikan, bau hanyir ikan tersebut akan lekat pada diri kamu..

maka renung2kan lah..demi menjaga nama baik sy n family..i'm sorry...

Friday, November 27, 2009

SetelAh agaK lAma menyePi...=(

Nurin Batrisya Azmer

hye there!..

sorry for this inconvenience since i haven't update my blog for months..too busy to write or story telling..Btw..I'm not a good story teller..not a great "penglipur lara" either..hehe..

today..ehem2...hari ini..yg merupakn hr raya AidilAdha..i have to celebrate at hospital as my lil cousin Nurin Batrisya has done her surgery 2 days ago.. sob..sob..die yg chumel itu mempunyai stu kekurangan yg x dpt dilihat dgn mata kasar.."tiada anak tekak"..

oleh itu, haruslah dilakukan pembedahan plastik agar artificial anak tekak dapat dibuat dalam mulutnye yg mungil itu.. walopun telah bberapa hari stay di hspital..dr belum dpt membenarkn kepulangan beliau ke rumah...aduh BM yang sgt suck..dushhhh...

Mak teh n fam together wif ma fam are heading to Kelantan rite now to celebrate this fest with ma dad's family in Kg Semerak..juz left me n Bibik at home watching some Indonesian dramas..haha...layan je la bibik...kesian jua kat bibik..homesick..dah nangis pon pg td..ank n hubby die call...

hmm.."knapa bibik nggak mau ikut ya?"..haha..bibik x bleh jalan jauh...beliau mabuk...
esp nek kereta..tp..x leh slahkn kereta jugak...we have to consider her lifestyle esp in her own country 'INdonesia"..

So...program for today: tgahari nant pegi hospital jenguk maksu...Isya..paksu..n teman mereka sambut raya..tkut2 dorg homesick..kekeke..me yang drive n bibik duk sebelah...jgn mabuk dh ler bik..i ni suke bwk laju...pagi td pon dh race...ngan makteh..pg hspital htr rendang tuk maksu..hehe
malam nnt plak..: pegi secret recipe beli kek untuk Khairul "buncit" n Angah..haha..dorg bakal celebrate besday sekali..si angah 2 pon dah melebar senyum coz abah bg green lite suh ajak bf die skali sok...ceh!!..
mentang2 la hubby aku xde kat cni...='(

pasal hari ni..menu pagi ni: ketupat daun palas, rendang, ketupat nasi n kuah kacang jer...
makteh nk wat soto malam nnt..lantak pi la...asalkan dpt msuk perut...kenyang...
:) :)

kisah lama tak update plak... hurm.. actually.. i'm quite lazy these days or months..lot of labwork need to be settled before the due date..progress? the progress are okay but still need some hardwork to ensure a great grade..haha..

result oh result..anda telah membuat saya cuak...takut n etc..semoga kali ini lebih baik dr yang sebelumnya..takuuuuuttt...sem 5 sudah berakhir..tinggal satu lagi sem..b4 degree..insyaAllah i'll graduate on time.. =P

i think that's all for now...later on dude.. <3>

Friday, August 14, 2009

teenagers nowadays are lack of manners?

The title sounds creepy...and quite rude or maybe some of teens out there blame me.. no heart feelings..I'm a teenager either and i just want to emphasize the things that has happened a few days ago.. the scene involves the teens/students and waiter...it is a shame when i have to admit that most of the teens behave this way..

let's begin...on that day, my friend and i went to this restaurant for dinner..it was quite busy that time and incredibly that day the restaurant was fulled with customers. I could notice the tauke also helped her workers at the kitchen as they ran out of waiters. we sat in front of the TV but nobody came to take our orders, so we decide to write on our own.

a few minutes later..or should i say an half hour later.. we still did not get our drinks and food..but drinks for persons behind us arrived earlier even though they were late..Unfair.. but suddenly..as been told by my friend she heard the group of female behind us used the harsh words to the waiter.." eh? kitorang x order pon ni...da la lambat..ni salah ni".." rileks2x..kalo ye pon lap la peluh kat dahi tu.." I did not hear the conversation as too busy watching "manjalara"..

however, when the waiter, a school girl actually, maybe one of the family members of the owner.. came to our table..i can see the teardrops fell on her left cheek..i did not know what had happened but when my friend told me..i turned back..i looked them and i kept thinking.."what if they were at the waiter's position, with a lot of stress, fatigue and has to deal with people yang banyak karenah mcm diorang..what would they feel?"

Clearly..they had never practiced the EQ..
it's true that they are born with great IQ..but they surely cannot survive in the real world without EQ..
I'm just upset..some people would insult others to prove that they are the best among the best...
however, do remember..walaupun di dunia ini kita berbeza, tapi di akhirat kita tetap sama..manusia biasa, hamba Allah yang hina.. all of us are from the same root...dengan setitis air mani..dan tiupan roh..wujudlah kita di dunia ini..
jadi...renungkanlah... I'm not that perfect..i know what others feel when they are facing this kind of situation..i don't know why, but I've learned to use my EQ well..

so...lastly..i hope..that no more "backtalkings" about teens that lack of manners..teenagers will lead the world someday..just..be the best for ourselves and others...


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

final year project.....

it's already 11th of August 2009..and this coming Thursday, the mid-semester break will start..all of us can go home for holiday for a week and having the first day of Ramadan (sahur) at home...but not for berbuka puasa..for the girls yang tak ganti puasa lagi tu, u only have a week left to fast okey? juz make sure that u dun have to "bayar fidyah"...

i'm here juz to waste a lil time sharing my thoughts and feels.. I'm a third year student that still live in hostel...so...living with junior around me is quite fun...they even thought me as a first year student...SO young lor... hahah...NVM..today..the toilet and laundry was full...everybody wants to wash their clothes..but not me.. I've done my laundry yesterday..exhausted after having a busy week..doing laundry can release my tension..weirdooooo...!!!

when ppl ask me about my FYP...it feels like i want to cry...i want to finish my project ASAP..but..how? i need to dry my crude extract using that silly rotary evaporator..there are many ppl need to use that ROTA-Vap la... why can they add another rota vap...? Most organic student desperately need to use that instrument....pity us... I don't want to extend my final year...great...and fun....if i can Graduate on time with my course mates...

Extraction from plants need a lot of work...now i understand why Dr/supervisor ask million times whether I'm willing to do FYP dengan hati yg ikhlas? " r u serious to do FYP?" OK...i get it now...but no regrets... I have to finish the things that I've started... do not turn back HAZIRAH...

I'm doing a project on a rarely found plants...which is called Strobilanthes Crispus (L) Blume..or commonly known as Pecah Beling..or..pecah Kaca..or Kaca beling... Is that common? sincerely, i've never heard that names before..

that's why when my friends ask me the name of the plant...I'd rather shut my mouth...lazy to be a Penglipur Lara la..heheh...sorry guys... kalau cerita pon u all tak tahu...hehe

so...I'll attach the picture here..maybe some...about the plant...see it for yourself...:

ni daun2 yg dgunakan.....
ni plak...bunga yg kcik pd pkok ni..

I think...that's all for now... i'll go home tomorrow to take care of my sis n bro.. bet they would'nt be notty..c ya...daa...

cAhAYaSuCi <3><)

Friday, August 7, 2009

It's August already...

Hye there! i'm trying to do my own blogging since i've read my fwens blogs...seems so fun...

yup...sharing our days with other people...i mean...not entire story for the day..just a lil bit..

i think it'll be okay...

am i right...?

today... i want to share a story with you...about sumthing that has happened yesterday...

until today, there's been 14 deaths caused by H1N1..but...how many people realize that this disease is spreading all over country? many university has closed earlier bcos of the flu...but not my university...my beloved U still 'active' eventhough many students have been quarantined...quarantined does not mean that they positive with the flu..maybe they're just having ILI..(influenza like illness)..we cannot blame the government if they refuse to give us vaccine.. the cure for the flu still in trials.. only high doses of the vaccine can execute the virus...

therefore only sick people..i mean the one that have fatal disease, cancer, that have low immunity are categorized to be sick and need the vaccine desperately... i'm not a doctor but..new type of disease excites me to do research...the virus can live in the air for two days without food supply...

so..for the precaution step..face mask is necessary...the flu is spreading throughout the state...my mom always remind me to wear mask if i insist to go out to the crowd place..especially pasar malam..mydin..and other hypermarket..it's not a fault to prevent...but yesterday...

i've learned something.. ortodoks behaviour cannot be change if they're not willing to change...

many villagers blame me as wearing the mask...they've shouted and laughing at me...and said"ek? H1N1 dah sampai terengganu ke?????" oh..****! don't they read the newspapers? or watch the television? it's a quite embrassing when most people look at me like i'm the one that have been infected!..hahaha...but...hey! it's me... i dun care and i dun mind...

if we decide to live with the words from others...until when we'll be lived? happily? mulut orang kita tak dapat tutup..jadi baik kita tutup mulut kita...SELAMAT!!!!

i think..that's all for now...being a 3rd year student make my life harder...heheh...quite busy actually...so...if i have my free time..i'll update later...c ya..daa..

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Trying out for BloGgIng..

Hye there..i'm new for blogging..just wanna say hye..
and i hope u can help me out with this stuff...
that's all..thank you..
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