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Sunday, March 7, 2010


hye kawan2...how r u????
hurm...pagi btol i on9...well, it's Sunday!.. I have to wake up early in order to send my father n go to the campus afterward. Haha...no need to sigh Hazirah..you choose to stay at home dis week..so, deal with it!..

Home sweet home! yes! I love to stay at home..quarrel with my youngest sis, fight with ma huge big brother and last but not least, staying with abah n mama..hey! I'm spoiled huh? watever! Memang pon...i Manje..so what??!! heheh...

Today, there is a lot of work to do..hurm, i need to re-column my sample as it was not pure. My bad. I didn't realize the TLC a.k.a Kromatografi lapisan nipis..menunjukkan ketak'pure'an sample 2...haha...agak klakar lepas translate BM. Ini semua gara-gara abstrak harus ditulis dlm dwibahasa..pening jgak nk translate. LUCKILY, Hasyiya, Liyana n Shazwani are doing their theses in BM... Kamus bergerak la mereka tu.. xpela, at least i have a source to refer to. Guess what??? sy tgh on9 di MSB..haha..awalnye dtg..telah diceritakan td sebab2 dtg awal. Ramai pulak yang menegur. "Eh..baiknye u pakai baju kurung?"..well, bukan i memg alwaiz pakai bj kurung ke? ahahaha..jwapan yang agak sengal. sebenarnya, dia nk tgur i pkai bj baru ke..yela, bj ni ade kat umah..so i pkai la..haha..ntah ape2...actually, i pon xtau ape yg i tulis. ahaks..

malasnye nk pg kelas BBA. HA...ehem, the most important class to get a job. the class is interesting but the study mood, huh...never in the air. Aiyoo...sometimes, pity for madam. Everyone, excluded for me, always fall asleep during her class. Well, i love the way she teaches. Full of excitement! the way she talks and the body language are really enjoyable.

oops...since i've mention about the BBA class, now i have remembered that i need to reply my pen-pal emails. Madoka, a japanese and adorable friend. haha...a lot of things to be shared with. so, i think i'll rest my finger here. =P
till then, enjoy ur life...live ur life to the fullest..hahah..
c ya!..daaa.....


  1. hiii!! saya sihat2 je maceh hehe

    wah2.. bukan ke ketak'pure'an tu lebih sedap ditranslate jadi ketidaksucian? haha pure kan = suci.. :D

    duk umah ke duk hostel ke, yg penting study smart biarpun mbaca depan tv hehehe ;) good luck! gambate!!

  2. kamus bergerak?haha. mu xtgk lg corak merah kt tesis aku tuh.haha. yana better than me lol. BI pun xleh g Bm pun xleh g: aku gune bhs arab la plok. :D

  3. k'ija: haahhaa...btoi2x...hehe...mcm tau2 je sy duk dpn tv kn? hehehe

    sya: aku pham...well....gve up...tp..I LOVE ENGLISH =P

  4. whtever.zzzzzz.hahhaha. video td xelok la. sore mu je nyepa.hahaha.hok lain blur. next time maybe :P

  5. sya: owoh...ngutuk aku...mmg la sore aku je...sbb aku duk sebelah mu...apedaaaa...=P

  6. award utk mu, nnt check



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