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Thursday, October 31, 2013


Moning gojes. .tak dpat tdo...so...i update blog le...

Last nite was our girls niteout..my sis n i...mira n her sis..n fatin (kaklongupm..) haha..we were hanging out at the last day of upm pesta konvokesyen...it was fantastic...

The nite started out when mira n her sis bought pokok mangga...not buah mangga...its pokok mangga..for their ibu...kinda sweet aite? Haha...the brosales said kalo x kawen lg..insyaAllah..ms kawen nt boleh dpt mkn buah tu..urghh...daaaa....klo kawen next year? Sempat kerrrrr....

Then..we headed to food stalls n found this western stall ran out by a bunch of young boys...hurm..quite impressed...they are..the URBANPLATE...nak tau lg? Follow la insta dorg...@URBNPLT... pavlova dia seriously sedap...delicious..undescribable...huhu..nk lg...the story behind the pioneer...they were graduates from KLMU..rite now collecting modal to set up their bussiness..kagum dgn effort dorg ni..n they are marketable...its good...haha

After dinner...we went to gerai shawl n blouse..n dress...unfortunately..yesterday there was a storm in UPM..most of the stalls were closed..but..there was still a few..still running their bussiness with damp cloth..ok..i x bli yg lembab k..but still ad hasil sambarannye...a hoodie glitter shawl..a dress..and...tadaaaaa....conteng2 tgn..means berinai...mendhi henna..seriously gorgeous..by..ashiqin..ill introduce to u later heh...sbb dh amek cntact num..so...seng utk urusan next year...hehe...jom cuci mata....

This is urbanplate..hihi

A few dish except char kuey tiow were there....

Ok..inai yg halus..abaikan tgn yg gmuk tu...huhu

Wait for the next entry k..take care peeps..

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Insidious chap 2..

Hye...morning lads...
Its peaceful sunny morning in Serdang today...
Orait...to begin with...i want to share my last weekend with all of u...

Last Sunday, my fiance n I were out to my therapy treatment..after having hours of waiting...i pitied him n ajak dia tgk wayang...some kind of bribery la..as for being a patience companion to me..plus...i really wanted to watch the sequel of insidous ni...hehe...

actually...he's not really into this kind of spirit ghost movies..but we accidentally watch the 1st episod at umah adik ajim then secara tak sengaja..he's excited to watch it too..

The story begin with the death of exorcist..why...dun worry...lots of flashback..tak tengk chap 1 pon u still can catch up..the exorcist snap the pic of hubby but the image came out as a black old bride...creepy huh..then he's gone...but...the wife found the image..except she did not want to believe the pic..she thought her hubby was okay...

A lot of strange thing happened since that day..her wife saw ghosts..then another exorcist appear..confront her evilghostly hubby...

Well..the exorcist has found out that the black bride was not really a bride...its a man with parker something..rusty memory..sorry..he was mentally tortured by his mom..well..that devilish mom refused to acknowledge parker as a boy/man instead called him by a girl's name..Marilyn..huh..no wonder he acted evil..suspect behaviour lesson 1: torturing caused split rebellious evilish behaviour...this parker has his own killing room..victims are all aligned..smelly..n the spirit still wanted his own killing spree...

Then...haha..no more stories..kalo review banyak2 nanti u ols tak tgk..so..go to movie n watch it n review...i would rate this movie about 8.5/10...haha...scary..but not horrid enough...guess need to find another horror movie this halloween aite?

Moral of the story btw:
1. To create a good kind soul or spirit..do not torture your child..hahaha
2. To ensure your hubby is still ur hubby..snap pic n believe...
3. Lastly...if any supernatural happens...panggil la ustaz..bukan bomoh...

Just sharing with you the pic of devilish mom..hehe..creepy u see....

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Terima kasih untuk segalanya..

Adoi...panjang tul tajuk entri..abaikan...

Hari ni mis G a bit boring...sebab dah abes dh episod Vamp Diaries S4 mis G ratah..hoho...nk mengemis s5 plak...sape ad?

Ok..itu bkn tujuan sebenar...

Hari ini...mis G nak berterima kasih kepada...parents Mis G...kawan2...lecturers yg byk tolong mis G ms wat MSc dulu..(ceh..dulu..mcm dh lma...)

Thanx sebb bg sokongan pnuh..padu n jitu...esp kawan2 yg sudi tadah telinga dgr rintihan n share thoughts n prob...geng umah M n peeps bio n kimia..u ols mmg xdpt dicari ganti...sobs..touchy la wat entry mcm mnang award ni...

Huhu...kinda miss my friends...

Untuk my dear che bor plak...thanx..sbb sabar ngn saya ni...tolerate ngn mood yg kdg2 emo je manjang...tq awk..hihi...

Jd..di sini..Mis G nk selitkan memoir dr u ols utk i...sweet sgt korg...esp tang "call me master Gee"...lawak tol..n echinoderms i tu cute seyh...
Thanx korg...cik mai..faz..fifah..tqah..shi..qis...gee x smpt nk prepare ape pon utk korg...sorry..huhu...nt u free kte g mkn2 k....mish u ols...so much indeed...

Take care peeps..♥

Monday, October 21, 2013

Convocation ke 11...

Yup...mis G knvo la...on 19th Oct..
Tp..this time knvo with tongkat...huhu...degil jgak nk p knvo awat?

Ha...sebab...kali ni MSc degree akn dikurniakn oleh Sultanah Nur Zahirah...mne leh ktinggalan u ols...

D ksempatan ni...Mis G nk ucap trima kasih la kt staf UMT yg prihatin...jg Mis G ms nk knvo tu...dorg sgt risau ms i nk naik stage...

Ni ad sket buah mata...utk u ols cuci mata...hihi...sket je la ek...

Mis G n Datin
Gambar Mis G yg dsnap oleh Dr K (lectrer I)
Sorry senget...ni my collegueS
My mama n sis..n tongkat sakti...hihi


Urutan lutut...

Ok..mis G pg urut...
N guess what...?
Tempurung lutut i teralih rupanya....
Ssssssss...apalagi...pak wan tu btolkan ler...
Menjerit x hingat....adoiiiiiiiioi....

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Another MC?

Haiyaaaaaa....Mis G kna MC lg dua minggu...dr ni tau ke x nk rawat i camane ni.....

Okay..that's it! Mis G nk g urut..mane leh than der....ubat tak bagi..apapon tak bg...

Maka..hr ni g urut la...tggu nt jd camana. .

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Hokey...nk ngamuk...dpt tau sumthing....

Die kt UPM? Omg......!

Nsb baik UPM tu BESAR....
Kalo terserempak...mmg mati aku maki ko...huhu

Pompuan...dia konpem ad stalk ak...caya la...ko ingt skali ko buat..ak leh let go?

B******t....sampai mati ak x lupa la..

Mis G ngamuk hr ni...sorry...hangin sat...nsb baik ak bkn datin2...klo x..ak uph org cr ko smpai lubang cacing...tp...xbaik dowh...i educated pny org...

Masih lg cuba untuk memaafkan..tp pmpuan sundal x ptut dmaafkn bgitu je...

Sori i bkasar peeps...tgh bengang...:O

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tips2 interview?

Morning lads....hari ini...pagi2 hr dah blogging...on fb...sume tgh update psal bola....Mis G not really into it since Irfan Bakti was no longer coaching Ganu Hanelang team....sbb?prestasi down la bro....

dah adat....org2 kite ni nk sokong yg mnang je...

to begin with...yesterday i have the happiest day of my life la....sbb...my future in laws family dtg untk melawat i yg sakit ni....huhu...terharu seyh...n mymominlaw lak bwk special buah tgn...homemade lasagna...i'm feeling blessed....nt jemputla dtg lg...hihi

in the evening....my collegue n friends stopped by....thanks datul...timah...norreha n arifah for coming n visit me....terharu sgt....siap bwk buah tgn tu...hihi

Untuk topik pg yg hot ni....
Mis G akan share a few tips la yg Mis G buat masa interview. ..

before interview:
1- check surat interview...know the place...time n exact venue of your session...

2- update your resume n let it be tally with your sent resume that you used when you apply the position..

3- photocopy all those relevant documents...like sijil...ic..n etc

4- it's an extra merit for you...if you could prepare a recommendation later to proove your performance...it could be from your prev lecturer...sv or a person you closely knew...

5- prepare your outfit for interview..
important k? Ur first impression plays roles in adding or reducing ur marks...

During my interview...i dont wear any bidazzles or glittering outfit...just soft pink color (mama kata ble i pkai pink..seri naik)...know ur A factor color k?
n....not forgetting....blazzer....yup...i wore blazzer that time...dun b surprise...when u entered the room...u will see that the interviewers were all neat...with blazzers. .u dun want to feel awkward rite? Then...shoes....fully covered is compulsory...showing u have d most criteria they should hired...

6-be confidence....its ok to feel nervous...but do not show ur feeling

7- lastly....doa.. prayers. .mintak dengan Allah..sekiranya telah ditetapkan olehNya...pekerjaan itu milik kamu...maka rezeki itu hak kamu...
ingat...setiap aturan kejadian adalah milik Dia..

so...kalau tak dpt the job u desire the most...jgn give up lg....ok....
neway..good luck dearie yg akn interview...

anything else...u can ask..o leave comment...o email me...

Found this in google...be confidence n do ur homework first k.... .


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Worklife..or..career life..

Morning people...i do realize that i've mentioned before i have a career now.....

But still wondering what kind of job huh? Well, Mis G passed the interview with SPA n Jabatan Kimia Malaysia....therefore..got the position as  Science Officer...ala...kerja biasa2 je....

At first a bit reluctant to report duty because...Mis G heart research sooo much indeed n already plan for pHD...gila ambitious ko...but...during interview...i accidentally make a promise to government...haha..pdan muka ko...

Ala...promise apela sgt...they asked me why didn't u further ur study? Masa tu tgah stress with writing n crystal growth kn...laju je Mis G jawab...in Malay ok...saya belum bersedia nak sambung...lagipon...saya nak cari pengalaman waktu kerja yg mungkin memudahkan saya utk habiskan phd saya...perrrrrgghh...gila kn...so kinda promise to them yg when they offer me the job...i can report duty...hihi...

Maka...itula kisahnya....starting from 3rd june 2013, Mis G memulakan kerjaya...di JKM HQ...at petaling jaya?????  Yup...duk petaling la i...first 2 weeks...homesick...haha...lma kn x berjauhan wif ma n abah..luckily...i have all their support...dorg pon rindu Mis G tau...x ckp pon tau...mama Noreha (future mominlaw) pon ad dtg jenguk i kat KL....terharu sangt...

Tapi kan...topik of my entry today...is about career rite...jd...i would describe a bit the things i've done in JKM...a science officer in MOSTI have different tasks  compared to university...first...we do not involve with students..sometimes je...ble ad lawatan budak...
Second....we do lab works + reports+ validation method+n a bit research...
Third...we get helped from lab assistant n pen peg sains for supplying goods in lab...

Apa yg Mis G buat setakat ni? Wellllll..i tgh training aje...for 6 months untuk competency test....good quality practise kn? Jd syok jugakla...xde la boring sgt keje SO ni..

Tips untuk interview....? Nanti i update ek?

Td google kareer i....ini yg keluar...haha...star trek pon ad SO tau..

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hobi baru....

Huhu...hobi baru?
Ape lagi selain makan n tdo...bdn dh mcm paus...

Tp...hobi xleh blah..bersukan...sampai dislocated knee...tu yg terima pdah MC almost sebulan....

Selain tu....try buat kimchi...mkn sup kimchi n semua la mknn korea ni...
Ni pengaruh "barefoot friends" ye...

Then, main game....candy crush n pou...haha...

Live life to the fullest peeps....

pic April 2013....

like i've promised before, i will upload a few pics around  my engagement day..
ingatkan nak buat simple je....tp ramai sangat yang sponsor...my aunt n uncle, maksu n ayah cik...thank youuuuu soooooo much...

sampaikan ada jiran ingat majlis kawen...haha...bakal mertua pon terkezut u olss...
apapon...doakan yang tbaik buat kami tau..

now...sila la cuci mata....

My sis n i....both ngaged n taken..
My parents n future parentsinlaw...
D whole fam gathered..
Ni la hasil makeovr maksu...
Bfore majlis....
Candy bufet by honeyben.blogspot.com
Sbahagian hntaran....
My bff...skewlmates dlu...
My bff...u n schlmtes..
Thank u ols dtg mjlis i....
Part of Hj Kama family....cr che bor....hihi

stakat tu dulu peeps.....cya...

Thursday, October 3, 2013

rajin sangat ni...

pagi2 dah update belog?
ape cer?
actually, Mis G tgh bercuti u ols....
MC almost 3 weeks okay....
na buat camano...malang tak berbau....
so...to my boss...jangan marah i tau...hihi..

*susah tau bertopang.....alhamdullillah masih ad kaki untuk berjalan...tp..tgh sakit...topang jugakla...*

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

2013 charms!

salam n hye readers...
it's been awhile i didnot update kan......

actually, mis G dh bz dah....
huhu...sebab...dah keje...so..mmg uptight punya timetable...+ malas..haha.

pasal tesis plak...dah siap:.
n mis G akan grad this mid oct...alhamdulillah..
rezeki org kata kan.

by the way, on 20th april yg lalu...misG dh sah jd tunangan org...
siapa lg kalau bukan Che Bor....hehehe....
mood bercinta kembali...
apepon doa yg tbaik utk kami ye...IA taun depan kawen...
masing2 nk stabil dulu...

pic? later la update...hehe...cya...
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