klik-klik malaysia

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

dia dh sampai dahhh!!!!

haaa...tu diaaaaa....
dah mai dah...dah mai dah...
(dengan gaya mami jarum)
dia dh sampai dah...


hehehe...tibe-tibe tringat cter mami jarum...
maybe Mis G nk jd mcm dorg...kepoh...bukan...
gelang emas banyak!!!

syok woooo!!!

sapa yang sampai??
Ada laaaaaa....
next update!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Pagi tadi...
nak sidai kain..
mata tengok ka langit...
tak nampak...
Mis G tak sengaja...
tak sengaja pon terhempap awak dgn kasut Mis G...

Tak sengaja terpijak Mr Froggy!!! terburai isi perut hang...petanda Mis G makin berat ke? sob..sob..sorry...='(

Sunday, August 14, 2011

dah luka berdarah!!!

memang sakit...
teramat sakit bila terluka...
ubat dimana?
sakit ni memang tak de ubat...
saintis...sila cari ubat untuk penyakit kronik ni...
yup...u've broke my heart...terribly!

Review #1

1. The date u were born...
certainly on 25th June (hadiah?)

2. How old are u?
errr.....ta mau jawab...hihih....

3. Ur current location...
at my lovely hi-tech lab ke? at UMT...=P

4. Coordinate?
lor...tak de gps...mlas nk habaq kat hang..

5. what is ur current desktop state?
err...gambar ke nih? gambaq kot....
hohoh...shuweet x? shuweet la..kan? kan?
6. ur attire today?
huish...malaih nk iron bj kurung...so...jeans n t-shirt would be fine!!!

7. ur style today?
stail ape? tudung je la kot...
yaaaa...tu diaaaa...ke poyo an terserlah di situ...ade sapa nk blajaq stail ni? hehe
8. ur favorite things in to-buy list?
haha..i like dis Q...1st thing int the list...is wedges...not potato wedges..shoes la dummy...footwear stuff..

9. Favorite dish?
hurm...sume sapu...xde favorite pon....

10. apple or cherry?
i nak strawberry...haha...well..i choose cherry...

11. single or married?
err...nk married...tp still single..but not available...=P

12. student or worker?
hmm...i wish i am doing both...student la...

13.loving or caring?
sape? me? haha...both...

14. which country u want to visit most?
nk rs gak wat umrah...haji tu...must..so..guess?

15. tag 5 friends that u think are sweet and caring...
hurm...nk tag cik Mai, Cik Faz, cik hani..Che bor(over sweet dia ni) n cik huda..XD

p/s: muka boring mis G hanya dpt dtafsirkan oleh cik mai...huh...lmbtnye wat coulmn chromatography ni...=(


ello semua...
Mis G is having sunday blues...
haha...so..buat keje sambil men laptop...adoiiii...
kalo ada CCTV ni...dah lama dah kena cekup...
keje Mis G...?
sangat banyak...tersusun sehingga Jun taun depan...gila ko??????????!..
bulan ramadhan ni kna la byk sabaq...(ape kaitan???)

maka..Mis G nk show je perkara yg terbaikkkk blaku in August ni...

1. sebab August ni = bulan ramadhan...maka..bulan berkat...
xtau la pe kaitannya..tp...bulan ni Mis G hepi je...
2. Mis G bertukar dari ini....


hahaha...tu je nk bgtau...

hp w880i tu rosak sket...tukar la yg touchscreen plak...nk merasa touche ni...
mmm...ingt nk x10...
tp...kecik..yg ni pon terhegeh2 nk touch...
ade hati nk pkai yg kecik...

amacam..surprise x august ni???? hohoho...
cincin mama dah siap...hr ni nk g amek...maka akan diupload later la...

rsnya tu je...

till then see ya all nant...daaa

Thursday, August 11, 2011

dah sangat-sangat bersawang.....

salam semua...helllo...hola...bonjour..!
dah agak lama Mis G menyepi tanpa khabar berita....sampai ada yang ingat Mis G dah bersara la...dah quit la...Ishh...belum lagi....Mis G tak sempat nak hupdate je...bukan malas...Tak Sempat k?

It's almost 3 month i haven't update my life...
it's not like i'm not updating it outside the blogging world...just in here k?
(ada la tu yang cakap Ms G x mandi...XD)

there were so many things happened and i wanted to write a lot! but still thinking the best idea on how to convey and put the story altogether! banyak sangat!..

last update:
was in May...urgghhh...come on...it's august already?????
it felt like yesterday was june...ehem-ehem...
what's so special about june?

just scroll!!!!

June the precious moments!!!

well....in early of june...Mis G had a gathering at Putrajaya International convention Centre (PICC)...
*laugh a lot!!! why? Mis G had the chance to meet Che Bor...
hahah...alamak..miss him a lot ler...

so...here's some pics...

Mis G n the gurls....(source: eja)

piccandid...Mis G tgh sembang ngn Che Bor...hehehe...(source: eja..lagi)

Me and Eja....(source: eja ler..)

some the schoolmates...(source: eja la..sape lagi..XD)

Mis G n Che Bor,...i didn't know they were taking our pic..seems like Che Bor noticed...(source: eppy han fei tzu)

dis time..i noticed...what happened to d pic? ntah..

our table....Source: pihak penganjur...

so that was in the early of june...

how about july???

July the academic Moment....

huh...so skema writing all this sort of things...
Mis G had a conference at Permai Inn for 3 days...i had to put up a poster about my research...
where's the poster? urgghh! so ugly that made me refused to upload it in here...well...still have a few pics of lepaking at the scene...
a fun event with exclusive dinner...hehe..chinese  food...yet we starved to death...haha...yela...makanan ciput sngt...but...they were nice...al-maklumlah...tgh lapar...
my attire...bju dinner msa form 5..hihi

lepaking during tea time...

that's the name of the event...
ha...that's for July...

source of pics: cik Mai

August is still early for a sum up...

but...Mis G still want to sum up the whole first week of August...
it's Mama besday on 5th August...
what do we get her?

A pair of rings...
Gambar sekadar hiasan...the real rings are still at the shop...for resizing...

then...another shock story during august?????

later update maaa....

nak  tau...u have to wait la...see ya next time...daaa
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