klik-klik malaysia

Sunday, January 30, 2011

when the time comes...

I'm blurred...
well, i have a task to do...
an essay to describe myself..
I have left the writing part for years...
how to describe me?
any idea??
need some help here...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

~what would happen????~

what would happen if...
tomorrow isn't there for you to hope?

what would happen if...
the ocean becomes a desert?

what would happen if...
all the thing you have planned gone in the wind?

what would happen if...
You are not being you?


just erase the word if....
everything happens for a reason..
be with it..face it like you deserve it...
once you will learn that..

 NOBODY's PERFECT unless...you are NOBODY..

P/s: the guard should have checked the key for the labs instead of blaming student for trespassing...dush...really need a motivation right now...anyone????

~ Contest...~

hye everyone...today Miss G would like to invite all of you join me in this contest...
well...just join k? ade rezeki adela kan?
the terms and conditions are:

syarat-syarat penyertaan ::
  1. jadi follower FARZANA FARZANTO.
  2. peserta perempuan digalakkan. kerana hadiah disediakan khas untuk blogger perempuan. kalau lelaki nak masok boleh juga. kalau tak kisah menang baju2 macam kat atas ni. haha (setiap pemenang boleh memilih hadiah or baju mengikut citarasa sendiri di Pelangiwardrobe Hannah. add dulu baru boleh tengok baju2 disana)
  3. ada 3 kategori iaitu blog paling cantik, comel dan kemas. setiap kategori mempunyai 1 pemenang sahaja.
  4. buat 1 entry tentang contest ni.
  5. tag kepada 5 orang rakan blogger anda.
  6. letak banner di side bar blog anda dan link kan terus ke entry ni.
  7. setelah selesai, tinggal kan link entry anda berkenaan dengan contest ni di komen entry ni. saya akan check setiap link yang sudah ditinggalkan.
  8. penyertaan bermula pada 10.1.2011 hingga 10.2.2011.
  9. dalam tempoh sebulan ni mungkin anda boleh gunakan masa ini untuk menghias blog anda.
ha...not so hard n leceh kan???
so...Miss G would like to tag...

ha...sebab nk 5 so...bg 5 la dulu...yang len...Miss G tag len kali k?

Friday, January 14, 2011


today = friday...
Mis G was not at home...
please leave ur message the door...

pour qoi?
Mis G is attending "bengkel analisis data"

go go chayok!!!

yg terlibat bersama Mis G:
Mis myowhmy
n cik spora bulat...hohohoh

Monday, January 10, 2011

~10 jan 2011~

dah 10 januari 2011....
keje Mis G tak siap lagi....
stresss laaaa....

1. grinder waring rosak -getah haus lagi...puhlis supplier..tolong baiki cepat!!!
2. sample ade yg tak siap proses lagi....gRRRRR...bushuknyeeeee...
3. cell HepG2 mati.....ape nk buat ni......

hu...tolong......sape nk tolong niiiiiiiiiiiii......

che bor lak duk jauh....hish....
kalo x Mis G suh die potong sample tu...huhuhu


gler besar mende alah ni...huhuhu

~follower saya ke 40~

morning all...

a great morning and Mis G was surprised to see the follower has reached 40 person....wah lau...
quite many actually...
Mis G do not expect to have 40 followers LOL!!!

since i have a good mood today...
Mis G want to give this special award to my 40th follower...

congratulation to...


sudilah kiranya tuan hamba menerima award ni...hihih...

heheh...xde la chantek sangt...Mis G tak pandai bab gambar2 ni...
hhuuhuh...thanks kpd follower yg len...
love u all...

Friday, January 7, 2011

~seperti yg dijanjikan...~

Miss G have promised to her friends to tell a story about H2O or...
simply said water...

what's the story to tell about?
water is a silent killer..

itu je...
but how?
well, let me begin with...

water consist of hydrogen and oxygen which our body needs the most...
but..tap water nowadays has been poisoned with unknown material from industrial waste...
for example:

the pharmaceutical sector has released a lot of waste product like antibiotic synthetic material which will be taken by all those bacterias and microorganism within soil and water...
then what would happen?
these organism will be mutant and immune..
a new virus will be created and they couldn't be treated unless the new type of power medicine is created...
scary huh?

well...the scarier part is...
we take those waste after the water are treated...
hey...wait a minute...Mis G said that the water had been treated..so that will be fine kn?
no my dear...no..
the water is only be treated with chlorin...
not the microorganism killer...
antivirus or what so ever...

the water still consist of microorganism and some metal?
where does the metal come from? the answer is the PIPEline system...most of the pipelines are still made of metal..
evil huh?

the most hectic part:::::
our body....
cannot remove all those metal from the digestive systems or organ...
so...who will be blame?
Ya Allah...save us...from any disaster..

as an advice...please...do have your own filter for drinks...and make sure that your water filter could filter the metal...and if you are lucky you will be able to find a water filter that able to kill those microorganism...

that's all for now...
Mis G quite busy lor...

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