alamak...Bulan Ramadhan dh sampai ke penghujungnya...
brother and sis out there...
how r u? puasa penuh tak?
yesterday, my fam n i went shopping at Mydin..
well..raya shopping..
yesterday was awful..
there were so many people in the store buying all the needs for Raya..
lebih2 lagi tengah sale..
OMG...macam perang beli barang pulak..huh..sesak...sangat sesak..
but my family..
for the first in our history, we didn't stay long for shopping...
everyone just took what they needed..
luckily..we dun have to wait for a long queue..
then, after shopping, we went to furniture store..
alamak..beli perabot baru...why?
untuk i la kot...hehhe..
then my mom asked a "SCARY' question..
along...bila adib ajak kawen?
gulp..(tertelan air liur disitu)..
hehe...i dun wanna to write the answers here..
just guess..k?
hehhe...i have unfinished bisnes for raya lor...
my baju raya tak siap lagi...aiseh...
huhu...i dun have baju raya kot tahun ni...
but it's ok.,..alamari tu dah penuh dengan set baju raya yg lepas2..
hehehe...pedulikan semua tu..yang penting...
nak raya...
i wanna meet all my aunt's babies...hehe...
korang tuggu la kedatangan along ke kampung...
siapla korang...
wahahahahaaaa...makan budak...(gelak jahat seyh)..
i think stop here dulu la..
till then...
hahaha...siapla kamu...=P